Suicide bombing at Megiddo junction-5-Jun-2002

Suicide bombing at Megiddo junction-5-Jun-2002

      Suicide bombing at Megiddo junction
    June 5, 2002

    ©2002 Reuters/Havakuk Levison  
    Remains of passenger bus after bombing (June 5)

    ©2002 Reuters/Havakuk Levison 
    Bodies of the victims removed from
    the bus (June 5)
    Seventeen people were killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged commuter bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.

    The attack took place at about 7:15 in the morning. The force of the explosion lifted the bus into the air, and reduced the car carrying the bomb to charred metal. The car exploded near the fuel tank of the bus, causing it to burst into flames. Most of the casualties were off-duty soldiers on their way to their bases. The terrorist, who drove the car bomb, was killed in the blast. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

    The names of 16 of the victims have been released:

    * Cpl. Liron Avitan, 19, of Hadera;
    * Cpl. Avraham Barzilai, 19, of Netanya;
    * Cpl. Dennis Blumin, 20, of Hadera;
    * St.-Sgt. Eliran Buskila, 21, of Hadera;
    * St.-Sgt. Zvi Gelberd, 20 of Hadera;
    * Sgt. Violetta Hizgayev, 20, of Hadera;
    * St.-Sgt. Ganadi Issakov, 21, of Hadera;
    * Sgt. Sariel Katz, 21, of Netanya;
    * Cpl. Vladimir Morari, 19, of Hadera;
    * Sgt. Yigal Nedipur, 22, of Netanya;
    * Sgt. Dotan Reisel, 22, of Hadera;
    * St.-Sgt. David Stanislavksy, 23, of Netanya;
    * Sgt. Sivan Wiener, 19, of Holon;
    * Zion Agmon, 50, of Hadera;
    * Adi Dahan, 17, of Afula;
    * Shimon Timsit, 35, of Tel-Aviv;
    * The 17th victim, Eliyahu Timsit, 32, of Sderot, was identified in December 2002.

    Zion Agmon
    Liron Avitan
    Avraham Barzilai
    Dennis Blumin

    Eliran Buskila
    Adi Dahan
    Zvi Gelberd
    Violetta Hizgayev

    Ganadi Issakov
    Sariel Katz
    Vladimir Morari
    Yigal Nedipur

    Dotan Reisel
    David Stanislavksy
    Shimon Timsit
    Sivan Wiener

    Eliyahu Timsit

    News reports:

     17 Israelis killed in Megiddo junction blast - Ha'aretz, June 6, 2002
     Suicide bomber kills 17 near Megiddo - Jerusalem Post, June 6, 2002
     Wounded Egged driver dragged out victims - Jerusalem Post, June 6, 2002
     International community condemns blast, urges peace talks - Ha'aretz, June 6, 2002

    Palestinian violence and terrorism since Sept 2000
    In Memory of the Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism
    Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)